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Breakthrough Rugby Update

Back on 22 Oct the U19s played against Football Club 2 and we were clearly second best on the day losing 56 – 5. We tried hard but were outclassed up front. On the same day our new U16 Breakthrough, Pandas and Kowloon team were meant to have their first 15-a-side game but Valley were a no show.

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Last weekend the U19s had a postponement as Flying Kukris/HKU had many players away. The U16s final took to the field against Tigers 2 and we lost 19-5, but there was a lot to like with many of our lads having their first ever game of 15s. One young lad, known as “ET” who is quite small, was the real star of the day and without his great tackling we would have lost by a lot more. Our defence and tackling was something to be proud of and with some more experience the lads will do well.

On 25 October we had a training session with the Mount St Marys school team who were over and a great night it was to. They had three coaches from the Natal Sharks setup with them and they put the boys through their paces. It gave a number of our team who have been to the Tony Ho Summer Camp at MSM in the UK, thanks to Kowloon a great opportunity to catch up. Lawrence who spent last year at the school particularly enjoyed meeting a few old friends. Attached is a photo of the two teams at the Police Club. We of course have one boy at MSM this year, William and he was enjoying half term at John Caroll’s parents house (John is one of the Breakthrough Directors). He sends me regular updates and he has now settled in well at the school, who are happy with his progress.

Lastly one more piece of good news another of the old rugby lads has been accepted at the Police College. We now have two lads waiting to join soon and hopefully they will be in the same intake. Both have been working as rugby interns at the HKRFU for the last year, a project we have going with the Union, sponsored by Ageas Insurance. It is primarily geared at helping the boys go onto get jobs in the sports and fitness world but joining the force is obviously an added bonus. We like to think that some of the skills they have been learning in the internship helped at the police interviews.

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