Rugby Weekly Update
Well the good news keeps rolling in. Robbie attended the HK Tertiary Education Sports Awards recently, which is to acknowledge the best players in all HK universities in various sports and he was pleased to note that Chen Ho Lam, who won our best player award last year, was the best male tertiary rugby player.
So this year we have now had seven lads qualify as police officers, Ho Lam voted the best tertiary rugby player of the year and three lads selected to represent HK in the World U20 Rugby Tournament in Portugal. We won the U19 Sevens and finished third in the 15-a-side league, competed well in the U16 boys league and played in the girls U19 and U16 sevens league and entered a team in the mixed winter touch league. Finally we took 27 lads to Singapore on our rugby tour.
I think in terms of what we have achieved with our current boys and girls and those who have recently left this has been a remarkable year and a difficult one to follow. But we will try. Thanks to everyone for your support and encouragement.
As promised more on the U20 World Championships, the boys have just arrived in Portugal and their schedule of games is shown below:
Trophy – match schedule below - 12 May Hong Kong v Tonga 16 May Hong Kong v Canada 20 May Hong Kong v Namibia 24 May Play-off Match
Matches will be live streamed on you can send the team a good luck message through their coach
Finally don’t forget the Breakthrough v Old Boys Game and Awards evening on 23 May. The match Kicks Off at 4pm and will be followed by a dinner. If any of you fancy attending you are welcome but please drop me a line, so I have an idea of numbers for the catering.